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Don't Let These Things Interfere with Your Interest in Yoga Teacher Training

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At many different times throughout your life, it can be easy to want something — but to also allow a little voice in your head to get in your own way. If you enjoy yoga and have thought about enrolling in a yoga teacher training program, you might mostly be excited about this opportunity. However, you might also have a little doubt about your ability to succeed for a number of reasons, and these thoughts may hold you back. It's important to believe in yourself and not to let self-doubt interfere with your goal of signing up and eventually completing the program. Don't let these thoughts get in the way of you pursuing this training.

Your Weight

It's easy to conjure up an idea of how a yoga teacher's body should look. If your body isn't in alignment with this idea, you might feel as though you don't physically have what it takes to accomplish this goal. It's important to realize that while those who have slender and athletic bodies can often perform more yoga poses than those who are overweight, yoga is a practice that can be for everyone. If you're overweight, you can still pursue your yoga teacher training — and you may even lose some weight in the process.

Your Diet

A lot of people associate yoga with vegetarianism, and with good reason — lots of yoga enthusiasts do indeed follow this type of diet. Being a vegetarian isn't a prerequisite for taking yoga, and it's certainly not a requirement for you to enroll in a yoga teacher training program. While your instructor may talk a little about the benefits of a plant-based diet, you can still learn and teach yoga if you enjoy eating meat. And, there's no need to hide your dietary preferences or pretend you're a vegetarian once you're in the training program.

Your Fear Of Teaching

The fear of being in front of a group is a common one, so there's a chance that it might be applicable to you — even if you hope to eventually be a yoga instructor. Don't let a fear of teaching hold you back from getting your teacher training certification. This training will help you to get comfortable in front of a group so that by the time you complete the program, you're ready to lead a class. Additionally, completing this program doesn't mean that you're required to ever teach yoga. A lot of people pursue this training to deepen their own yoga practice and don't intend to lead any groups.
